Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Toy Story

So Jules is on a Toy Story kick. The song that's stuck in my head right now totally fits...

Strange Things Are Happening to Me...
Can you hear it?

When things changed at our houses, I swore off crafts... gave away a lot of fabric, sold my sewing maching. Not sure what was going through my mind. I just KNEW I wasn't going to be doing stuff like that again.

Well, apparently I was wrong. ... DUH!

Babies are popping up everywhere. Surprising, right? No. But I've been asked to make a sling... so I figured I'd give it a shot. Last time I made one, it was pretty simple. Well, there's an urge there. Thinking I could make quite a few of them and sell them on esty or something. We'll see how the gift making ones go and how I feel after that. I could probably make a $10 profit or so on each one if I keep my costs down.

I LOVED my sling when Jules was an infant. It was something like this.

She was secure, felt good next to me... and I had two hands to DO THINGS!
So am I crazy or anything?
Strange Things...

1 comment:

Susan said...

NO! what a good idea!