Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Weekend

So last weekend was awesome. This weekend was crap (to put it nicely).

We just had another flood at our house. Just a thoughtless accident. I'm so overwhelmed right now... Ugh. Sad to say, but I'm lucky that I had to close tonight. I came home to an explosion of crap (I want to say- just throw everything away) and a husband that is mentally and physically exhausted. Oh, our AC went out Friday night too. What a peachy weekend!

Enough about that... We will deal (although, eerily, in 7 days, it will have been 2 years since this last happened.

On to bragging about my little munchkin. Being around Jett has been really good for her. She's popping off sentences and surprising words all the time now. She and I were playing in the living room on Friday evening... she tried to hand me something and it fell. She says "I got it." and proceeds to get it! Imagine the shock on my face. Then I think back to when we have hung out with Jett and Phoenix in the last couple of months and I can almost hear her exact inflection with Jett's little boy voice. Jules is growing up too fast.


PamelaKRose said...

Sentences, wow! I'm so sorry about your house problems, if you need anything please let me know.

Kriss said...

Oh NO, I used to be an insurance agent and flooding is awful! Was it a toilet, a pipe??

Erin Kathleen said...

Sorry you're having a rough time!! Hugs!!!

Yay about the sentences, though! They grow up way too fast. I think it breaks my heart and makes me excited all at the same time every time the girls do something new. I'm exciting they're progressing and doing so much, but sad they're growing up so quickly!!

When life slows down, shoot me an email. We'd love to get together again - maybe go to the pool or something on a day off?