Thursday, May 15, 2008

Published Again
This is a link to Jeff's DMN article that's in print today. It's the one I was talking about a month ago.


Kriss said...

That's awesome that Jeff gets published in the paper!! I love reading his stories. I do have to say though, Love and Logic works. I didn't know there was a book or a name for it. I learned about giving children two choices when Brady had to take speech therapy. His therapist called me an inableler (sp?) because I just did everything for Brady. You are actually helping Jules communication skills by giving her choices. Even if right now she just grunts she is processing the choices in her mind and ultimately choice one or the other. Although yours is displine minded it will really help her in the long run. I can understand why you got a little miffed with him. Both parents have to be on the same page or kids WILL know which parent they can get to sway. Sounds like Jeff is the swayee. Stick to your guns! LOL!

Meg said...

Hey Amy! That is a really cute article. But don't worry, he's wrong :) So funny- I never read parenting books or get into any "labels" of parenting but I've been using that theory since Shelby was as young as Jules. They really do understand that they have choices and it helps them find their individuality by choosing and learning to have respect for their parents, who set the limits for their choices.
Love your blog!