Monday, April 28, 2008

What the !?!?

I don't know what to think. My husband writes lots of funny, cute stories. Admittedly, many of them are huge exaggerations. Today, he sends me a rough draft of one about parenting; making fun of this parenting book I'm reading and the common sense way that it approaches parenting. Maybe it is a fad. But then again, maybe it will work. I think he's on board... but then he goes and writes another silly story.

Hopefully I'm over analyzing, as usual. I know he wants the best for her. I just need to get my heart off my sleeve and stop getting my feelings hurt so easily.


Kriss said...

Ya know, with the tall tales that Jeff comes up with, he should write children's books. I bet with his editor contacts (the paper) he could really get something published. I would buy one of his books. :) -kriss

Amy said...

The one he just wrote is going to be in the Dallas Morning News in a couple of weeks. I'll let you know details when we know the date.