Sunday, April 20, 2008

You should be in...

Pictures! My friend Pam took some pictures for us of Juliana (and Mommy and Daddy) for her first birthday. It's a good thing that we waited a little bit because she had a huge knot on her forehead for her birthday. It was a fun afternoon.

Pam really put up with a lot from us, because (as you can tell in some of the pictures) she hadn't gotten much of a nap that day.

As promised, here is my favorite one of the ladybug being transfered to Jules from me.

Here is the link if you have a chance to look at more.


Jess said...

Those are great pictures Amy! Love them!!

Anonymous said...

too cute - did she really fall asleep in the flowers?

Amy said...

She fell asleep in the car on the way to the flowers. I had to stand her straight up to wake her up.